Scoring Guide – The Base

In Canasta, understanding the intricacies of scoring is essential for success. One crucial aspect is mastering the Base Score, which combines several factors to determine your team’s total points. Let’s dive into the components that make up the Base Score and how they impact your game.

This is the first in a series of 3 articles.
Part 1: here
Part 3: here

Understanding the Base Score

The Base Score is a combination of several key elements:

  1. Going Out First: This bonus is awarded when a team places their last card face down on the Discard Pile. Successfully doing so earns the team an additional 100 points. Note that this bonus is not applicable if the team goes out by declaring a Special Hand.

  2. Points for Melded 3s: The value of 3s depends on the number of completed Canastas a team has:
    • No Canastas: 3s are negative, subtracting points from the score.

    • One Canasta: 3s are neutral, so they neither add nor subtract points.

    • Two or More Canastas: 3s are positive, adding points to the score.

    The point value of 3s is determined by how many of each color have been melded:
    • One 3: 100 points

    • Two of the same color: 300 points

    • Three of the same color: 500 points

    • Four of the same color: 1,000 points
    If the last card picked is a 3, it is not included in the count but instead is valued at minus 5 points. A 3 held in the hand is penalized at minus 100 points and does not contribute to the melded 3 count.

3. Completed Canastas:
These are counted twice:

  • Regular Canasta: 300 points
  • Natural (Red) Canasta: 500 points
  • Special Canastas:
    • Aces (Natural): 2,500 points
    • 7s: 2,500 points
    • Wilds (Mixed): 2,000 points
    • Wilds (With Four Jokers): 2,500 points
    • Wilds (With 7 Deuces): 3,000 points

Penalties for Incomplete Canastas

Incomplete Canastas incur penalties based on their type:

  • Incomplete Wild Card Canasta: Minus 2,000 points
  • Incomplete Natural Aces Canasta: Minus 2,500 points
  • Incomplete 7s Canasta: Minus 2,500 points

If multiple incomplete Canastas are present, penalties are compounded.

Calculating the Base Score

To calculate the Base Score for each hand, use the following formula:

Base Score = Going Out Bonus + Points for Melded 3s + Completed Canastas – Penalties

The Base Score can occasionally result in a negative number, particularly if significant penalties are incurred.

Example Calculation

Consider a scenario where a team has:

  • Earned 100 points for Going Out First
  • Melded three red 3s (500 points total)
  • Completed one Regular Canasta (300 points) and one Natural Canasta (500 points)
  • Incurred penalties for an incomplete Wild Card Canasta (minus 2,000 points)

Base Score Calculation:

  • Going Out Bonus: +100 points
  • Points for Melded 3s: +500 points
  • Completed Canastas: +800 points
  • Penalties: -2,000 points

Total Base Score = 100 + 500 + 800 – 2,000 = -600 points


Mastering the Base Score involves understanding and accurately calculating points from various sources—bonuses, melded 3s, completed Canastas, and penalties. By keeping a close eye on these elements, you can refine your strategy and make informed decisions to boost your team’s performance in Canasta.

To read the First part – click here.
To read the Third part – click here.

All the Rules concerning Modern Canasta can be found in The Ultimate Guide to Modern Canasta which is available just by clicking here!

Learn more about Scoring in Chapter 9 of the book.